Crystal Stone Gift Box
Rhodonite: Sometimes referred to as “The Burning Stone”. A stone of compassion. Balances emotions and clears away emotional wounds and trauma associated with the heart. |
Tigers Eye: Stone of luck, courage and protection. Helps with mental focus. |
Selenite: For capturing and directing positive energy. Excellent for cleansing. |
Aventurine: Stone of opportunity, abundance and prosperity. |
Rose Quartz Heart: The ultimate stone of love. Helps to increase self- love and balance emotions. Brings peace into your life. |
Raw Carnelian: Stone of creativity and inspiration. Helps one overcome fear or doubt. |
Opalite: For self-exploration and reflection. To bring peace, healing and aid with anxiety. |
Raw Quartz: Stone of power. Use this to to amplify positive energy. |
Amethyst: Powerful healing crystal. Calms stress and anxiety. Helps with strengthening intuition. |